It is important, once you have become the new owner of a property that the utility accounts are registered in your name. A good agent, will liaise with your solicitor to ensure this takes place.
Whether it's to pay the community fees or simply the electricity the most convenient method of paying regular utility bills is by setting up direct payment from your Spanish bank . Your Bank Manager will be happy to advise and arrange this facility for you. This will ensure that whether you are in Spain or not, you can be assured of the smooth running of your home.
Electricity supply
Electricity is now generally supplied at a nominal 220 volts AC, although a supply of 110 volts AC can still be found in some older properties. Generally electricity accounts are sent out bi-monthly.
There is no mains natural gas supply available. Some people prefer to cook by gas and for this reason there is available an adequate supply of 'bottled gas' which is very cheap by U.K. standards.
Solar Energy
Tenerife is home to the largest solar energy generating farm in the world. More and more properties have 'solar panels' usually for heating water.
You might be surprised to hear that there is generally no shortage of water despite the distinct lack of rainfall (particularly in the dry arid south). This is due in no small measure to Mount Teide. During the winter months the slopes of Mount Teide are resplendent in a covering of snow. This melts during early spring and 'top's up' the reservoirs. Water is very inexpensive by U.K. standards.