N.I.E. (Identification Number) in Tenerife

When purchasing a property in Tenerife it is a requirement that you obtain a fiscal identification number (N.I.E.). Also known as N.I.F., essentially the same, namely a form of identification issued to non-Spanish nationals.

N.I.E. is an acronym for Numero de Identificacion de Extranjero (Foreign Identification Number), and N.I.F. for Numero de Identificacion de Fiscal (Fiscal Identification Number).

The N.I.E. always starts with a letter and is followed by seven numbers and a letter, similar to a national insurance number in the U.K. Your number is personal to you, it is not transferable and neither does it expire.

In addition some purchasers who have non-residency status will be required to obtain a Certificate of Non-Residency. These documents will be required for production to the Notary when attending the signing of the title deeds (Escritura).

The cost of obtaining these two items is negligible; however, the procedures for prospective purchasers may appear complicated and time consuming.

As part of the service of TENERIFE ROYALE ESTATE AGENTS S.L. to our clients, all the arrangements for obtaining these items will be arranged by us, thus ensuring that our clients are not inconvenienced in any way.